Cranio-Sacral Therapy
Misalignment of skull bones or cranial plates can cause changes in facial structure and loss of facial symmetry.
There are many possible reasons why a skull can become misaligned, such as “a rough birth process, a hit on your head, whiplash injury, extreme dental or orthodontic work and the aging process”. Chronic dehydration is another possible cause of skull misalignment.
Cranial adjusting pushes the skull bones out from the inside out, making the skin appear tighter, and decreasing facial lines and wrinkles. It can also straighten noses, even out eyes, and improve crooked mouths or cheekbones.
Dr. Park is performing cranio-sacral therapy as a SOT practitioner.
Sacro-Occipital Technique (SOT) is a type of cranio-sacral therapy. It is a technique started in the 1920s by Dr. Bertrand DeJarnette that adjusts patterns in the body as opposed to individual body parts.
SOT cranial therapy is more extensive than craniosacral therapy because SOT doctors are chiropractors trained as primary healthcare providers and can diagnose, treat, and refer for various patient presentations as compared to laypersons who have no such training or licensing.